Saturday, May 5, 2012

Puffy Knit Slippers

In March I went to visit my oldest son and his family.  While there I saw a pair of knit slippers.  I just had to ask for the instructions; it was that kind of slipper!   All garter stitch and two colors, it felt soft and padded to the foot.

 It was made in a rectangular shape.  One end was sewed together to form the heel.
One end sewed together to form the heel.

It was finished by gathering the stitches at the toe,
Stitches gathered together at the toe.

  and  then sewing down toward the heel leaving just room enough for the foot to enter
size 11

size 9

I promised two grandsons that I would make a pair for each of them.  It took a few weeks after I arrived home, but they got finished.


  1. Would you be willing to share the pattern? These remind me of the slippers my great-grandmother used to knit! if so, please email to

  2. I'm checking with the lady I learned from to see if she has any written directions. Otherwise, I just have the notes I scribbled for myself.

    I did check online, and found a pattern that looks very close.
